Instructions for moving replica metadata for one or more VMs between repositories.Cause
Replica metadata tracks changes between restore points so that only incremental data need be transferred to the replica VM. If this metadata is missing or corrupt, the replication job must delete all but the most recent restore point and re-calculate the metadata (disk digests) for that point.
To change the location of replica metadata for an existing job without needing to recalculate disk digests, follow the steps below.
Note: Select a backup repository that is located in the source site.
To Move Metadata for All Replicas in a Repository
Copy the Replicas folder from the current repository to the new repository, then edit the replication job to point it to the new repository. Verify the job works, then delete the original Replicas folder.For example, if the existing metadata repository is located at C:\Backup, and the new repository is created at V:\Veeam\ReplicaMetadata, copy C:\Backup\Replicas to V:\Veeam\ReplicaMetadata\Replicas.
To Move Metadata for Specific Replicas
Copy the folder for the particular replica to the Replicas folder in the new repository, then edit the replication job to point it to the new repository. Verify the job works, then delete the original VM folder.VMware replica metadata folders are named using the MOREF ID of the replica VM. To retrieve a list of replica names and IDs, start Powershell from the Veeam Backup & Replication console and run the following command:
Get-VBRReplica | ForEach{$_.GetBackupReplicas() | select TargetVmName,TargetVmRef}
For example: A VM called FS1 has vCenter ID vm-1. FS1_replica has vCenter ID vm-33. The existing metadata repository is located at C:\Backup, and the new repository is created at V:\Veeam\ReplicaMetadata. Copy C:\Backup\Replicas\vm-33 to V:\Veeam\ReplicaMetadata\Replicas\vm-33.
Note: Folder naming conventions vary between hypervisors and between versions of Veeam Backup & Replication.