403 Forbidden Message When Accessing Veeam Data Cloud App
Attempting to load the Veam Data Cloud app webpage fails with the error:
403 Forbidden Microsoft-Azure-Application-Gateway/v2
The HTTP status code "403 forbidden—you don't have permission to access this resource" is displayed when a web server recognizes a user's request but is unable to allow additional access. This error typically occurs due to insufficient permissions or authentication credentials on the server side. Often, the 403 error is temporary.
Troubleshooting Steps
Perform the following steps, stopping when the page successfully loads.
- Make sure the webpage URL is correct.
Visit login.veeam.com and select the Product and Region, then click Log In.
- While viewing the page, hold [Ctrl] and tap F5. This will force the page to refresh without using the local browser cache.
- Clear browser cookies and cache.
- Launch the browser in guest or safe mode to isolate whether the issue is caused by a saved browser setting or add-on.
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