Attempting to add Server 2019/Hyper-V 2019 may fail with an access or timeout issue when Veeam is installed on Server 2016/Windows 10.When attempting to add Hyper-V 2019:
Error Failed to connect to host
Error Access denied or timeout expired.
Error Check if you have local administrator privileges on computer ''.
Error Possible reasons:
Error 1. Invalid credentials.
Error 2. Specified host is not a Hyper-V server. (System.Exception)
Veeam B&R Adds support for Server 2019/Hyper-V 2019. However, there is a known issue with RemoteWMI on Build 1803 of Windows 10/Server 2016.Solution
Upgrade to Windows build 1809.More Information
RemoteWMI Issue: specific build that introduces this issue is:
Builds earlier than 1803 do not seem to be affected either.