When adding a Veeam Cloud Connect server though VAC web UI the following error message pops up:Unable to install management agent. A fatal error occurred during installation.
Server.log shows the following record: "System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Failed to connect to computer administrative share".
VAC service requires access to Veeam Cloud Connect administrative share to deploy its agent. The fastest way to test access to VCC administrative share is to run \\<VCC_SERVERNAME>\C$ from VAC server. You may receive the following error message:The reason to this is the default security policy that disables access to adminstrative shares.
On the Veeam Cloud Connect server perform the following edits:- Run regedit
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
- Create LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy as DWORD and set it to 1 and click OK
More Information
For more information refer to this MS KB article.If you have any questions, contact Veeam Support.