In v9 of Enterprise Manager, you might get an authentication prompt similar to the one below (the look of the prompt depends on your internet browser).To force the use of HTML form-based authentication, use the solution below.
The window is shown due to the automatic NTLM-based authentication method introduced in v9.Solution
- Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console on your Enterprise Manager server.
- Locate the VeeamBackup site.
- In the Default Document options, add Login.aspx to the top of the list.
- In the Authentication options, disable Forms Authentication method.
- In the Modules, remove the MixedAuthenticationModule2 module.
More Information
Alternatively, you can go directly to the page at https://enterprise-manager:9443/login.aspx.NTLM-based method automatically logs in the current user if the following conditions are met:
1) The computer you are using to access Enterprise Manager and EM itself are in the same AD domain
2) The user has permissions to access Enterprise Manager