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Rescan fails with "Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to Error: Known agent have the same bios uuid but different connection point ."

KB ID: 4205
Product: Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 5.0, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 4.0, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 3.0.2, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows 2.2
Scenario Specific Article

This article documents the solution for two specific scenarios.

If the scenarios listed in the Cause section do not match your situation, please create a support case.


During the rescan of a Protection Group, the following error occurs:
Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to Error: Known agent SQL-19 have the same bios uuid 59f0f2da-1251-11ec-82a8-0242ac130003 but different connection point


Scenario 1: Reinstalled OS

The OS was reinstalled on the machine that is displaying this error during rescan.

Scenario 2: Different Machines, Same BIOS UUID

An entirely different machine has been added to the Protection Group. However, those machines have the same BIOS UUID.

The UUID value of a machine can be checked using the following PowerShell cmdlet:

(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct).UUID


Scenario 1: Reinstalled OS

To resolve the conflict, remove the old machine's entry from the Protection Group.

Scenario 2: Different Machines, Same BIOS UUID

Each Veeam Agent computer that consumes a license installed in Veeam Backup & Replication must have a unique BIOS UUID.

If different physical machines have the same BIOS UUIDs, contact the hardware vendor to request assistance in ensuring each machine has a unique BIOS UUID.


If Veeam Agent is being used with a VM, please refer to corresponding Hypervisor articles regarding BIOS UUID:

More information

Unsupported Workaround
Unsupported Wordaround

This workaround is provided as a courtesy and is not supported by Veeam Technical Support.

Use it at your own risk.

If any issue occurs while attempting this workaround, you are advised to restore from a configuration backup to revert the Veeam Backup & Replication server to the last known stable state.

Veeam Technical Support will not assist in the usage or troubleshooting of this tool.


If it is not possible to make the BIOS UUID for a machine uniqe, it is possible to instruct Veeam Agent to use a user specified UUID value from the registry. Use the following PowerShell cmdlets on the machine with the duplicate BIOS UUID.

To enable UUID Failover:

New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam' -Name EnableSystemUuidFailover -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1
The next command must be modified to place a user-generated UUID where the <UUID> is shown in the command (without carrots).
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam' -Name SystemUuid -PropertyType String -Value '<UUID>'

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