Deploying a worker instance to the Bahrain region is not possible.Cause
The Me-south-1 region is not present in the list.Solution
To select the Me-south-1 region, do the following:1. Connect to the backup server using the following command.
ssh -i "<backup server's .pem key>" ubuntu@<Public DNS (IPv4) parameter of the backup server>2. Navigate to /opt/ and locate AmazonS3Regions.xml.
3. Add the following text to the .xml file (see the attached screenshot).
<Region Id="me-south-1" Name="Middle East (Bahrain)" Type="Global"> <Endpoint Type="S3"></Endpoint> <Endpoint Type="S3"></Endpoint> <Endpoint Type="EC2"></Endpoint> <Endpoint Type="IAM"></Endpoint> <Protocol>HTTP</Protocol> <Protocol>HTTPS</Protocol> <LocationConstraint>me-south-1</LocationConstraint> <SignatureVersion>4</SignatureVersion> </Region>4. Restart the Veeam Backup for AWS service using the following command.
sudo systemctl restart veeamawsbackup.service5. Enable Global STS endpoint as described in the article.