This KB article shows how to collect the diagnostic information that may be needed if you create a Veeam Plugin for SAP HANA support case.Solution
Gather logs according to sections below.
Once logs have been gathered, upload them to the FTP provided by the Veeam Support engineer. After the upload is completed, please notify the Veeam Support engineer.
If you need to use a secure FTP, KB1661 contains secure FTP instructions.
1. Veeam Plugin source logs
This step should be done on source SAP HANA server.
Navigate to and archive the contents of this folder:
tar -czvf veeam_plugin_logs.tar.gz /tmp/veeam_plugin_logs
File veeam_plugin_logs.tar.gz will contain the necessary logs.
2. Veeam Plugin target logs
This step should be done on both Veeam Backup and Veeam Repository servers.:
Navigate to and archive the contents of this folder:
3. External backups list
Save information about available backup files and their EBID values. This can be done using the following query:
SELECT BACKUP_ID,SOURCE_TYPE_NAME,HOST,BACKUP_SIZE,DESTINATION_PATH,EXTERNAL_BACKUP_ID FROM M_BACKUP_CATALOG_FILES WHERE DESTINATION_TYPE_NAME='backint'Run the same query against each database in question. Save the output of this query in a text file for Veeam Support.
4. System information
Save information about available systems running on your server. This can be done using the following approach:
Login to user shell and issue the following one-liner:
ps -eo pid,command | grep -v grep | grep -v sapstartsrv | grep sapstart | awk '{print $3}'
Save the output of this query in a text file for Veeam Support.