When opening a support ticket, Veeam Support might request log files.
These log files might potentially contain information which might fall under the regulation of data protection laws or internal company policies.
The below are the types of sensitive information that can be found in the Veeam log files:
- Usernames;
- Customer specific infrastructure object names: hosts, datastores, VMs, clusters;
- VM file names and paths;
- FQDN/Hostname or NetBIOS names;
- IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6;
- Customer specific paths to backup files;
- Backup file names;
- SharePoint information: DB names, paths to DBs, SP URL;
- Exchange information: DB names, paths to DBs;
- SQL information: DB and Instance Name, paths to DBs;
- Oracle information: DB name, Home Name, Oracle SID, DB global name, paths to DBs;
- File Copy: Customer specific paths and names of files;
- File to tape: Customer specific paths and names of files.
The Support team may provide a log scrubbing utility upon request.
More Information
For more information on how we process the collected data, please visit: