Product Information:
Company name: Wasabi Technologies
Product Family: Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage
Status: Veeam Ready – Object
Classification Description: Verified object storage solutions that has been tested with Veeam Backup & Replication Cloud Tier features.
Product Details:
Object Storage Tiers: Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage (Wasabi currently has one tier of storage)
Object Storage Service Description: Wasabi is a S3-compatible public cloud object storage service
General product family overview:
Wasabi is a cloud-based object storage service for a broad range of applications and use cases. Wasabi is designed for individuals and organizations that require a high-performance, reliable, and secure data storage infrastructure at minimal cost.
Wasabi has much higher sustained read and write speeds. In addition, with Wasabi, the time to first byte is a fraction of the time comparatively. Wasabi is accessed over any public or private network speeds.
Veeam testing configuration:
Veeam Build Number: