This article documents how to use SFTP with Multi-OS FLR. This may be performed when the native Backup Browser is slow to react to folder changes or when use of a third-party tool such as rsync is desired.Please note version Veeam Backup & Replication through are not compatible with this method. Update 2 for v8 must be installed.
Prior to performing the Multi-OS FLR the helper appliance root password must be set.
1. Launch Multi-OS FLR
Launch the Multi-OS FLR, and wait for the backup browser to appear.
Note: You do not need to enable the FTP server on appliance option unless you wish to connect via the Windows File Explorer.
2. Get IP address of helper appliance (if DHCP was used)
Connect to the console of the VeeamFLR appliance that was created as part of the restore.
Log in using the user name root and the password set in the credentials section.
Note: In VMware environments you can also find the IP address of the VeeamFLR appliance on its summary tab.
Step 3. Connecting to the FLR appliance
Connect to the appliance IP using an FTP tool such as Filezilla or WinSCP, though Windows File Explorer may also be used if the FTP option has been selected. Use the username root and the password configured for the Helper Appliance set in the first step. The example above uses the information from our examples in steps 1 and 2.
Navigate to /media/ and select the appropriate drive.
In Linux drives start with “sd”, then a letter “a-z” the drive, then each partition on that drive is represented by a number.
So first drive, first partition would be sda1.