The need to test the capability of the proxy to actually access and attach the disk of a VM that it is to process for hotadd.Solution
Performing the following steps will help determine if the infrastructure is present to allow the Proxy to attach the disks of the VM to be processed in hotadd. It is advised to do this with a VM during off-peak hours as it requires a snapshot on the production server.
1. Create a snapshot on the VM to be processed by Veeam Backup & Replication.
2. Within a vSphere client, attach the base disk from the VM in Step 1 to the Veeam Proxy.
- Edit the Veeam Proxy that will be processing the VM from Step 1.
- Click Add…
- Choose “Hard Disk”
- Chose “Use an existing virtual disk”
- Navigate to the location of the base disk from the VM in step 1.
- Specify that the disk should be attached Independent - Nonpersistent
- Click Finish
3. If this task completes this means the infrastructure is present to allow the Proxy to hotadd the VMs base disk.
4. Detach the disk that was attached to the Veeam Proxy.
a. Edit the Veeam Proxy from Step 2
b. Highlight the attached disk.
c. Click Remove (DO NOT change the radio option)
d. Click Finish
5. Remove the snapshot created in Step 1.
Warning: Remember to complete steps 4 and 5 above.