Product Information:
Product Family: INFINIDAT InfiniGuard
Status: Veeam Ready - Repository
Classification Description: Verified backup storage that supports all Veeam backup and restore features.
Product Details:
Model number: B4260
Number of Drives: 15/240
Drive type: SSD/NL-SAS
Firmware version:
Connection protocol and speed: 10Gb
Additional support: Any hardware configuration with an equal or greater hardware configuration
General product family overview: InfiniGuard™ - Petabyte Scale Data Protection with Lightning Fast Recovery. InfiniGuard features a fast, reliable data backup and restore for business continuity / disaster recovery. InfiniGuard is built with InfiniBox to optimize the backup and restore performance and to maximize effective capacity for multi-petabyte datasets. InfiniGuard maximizes deduplication efficiency through using an innovative inline & variable block size deduplication technology. InfiniGuard supports the NFS, CIFS, and VTL protocols and offers deep integration with VEEAM Backup & Replication software by creating a VEEAM repository on the InfiniGuard system and a VEEAM agent that runs inside the InfiniGuard process-space, maximizing efficiency.
Vendor Veeam testing configuration:
Veeam Build Number:
Veeam Settings:
- Repository Type: Linux
- Deduplication: Yes
- Compression: Optimal
- Storage Optimization: Local target
- Per-VM Backup Files: Yes
- Decompress before storing: Yes
- Align backup file blocks: No
More Information
Company Information:
Company name: INFINIDAT
Company overview: INFINIDAT was founded in 2011 by a team of storage industry experts focused on helping customers to eliminate compromises between cost, capacity, functionality and performance when it comes to their storage and backup infrastructure, enabling them to focus more on what makes them competitive.