When trying to configure Veeam ONE Reporter data collection tasks, the following error message pops up:Version string portion was too short or too long
The issue is due to manual Veeam ONE database deployment that leaves blank fields in the common.serversettings table required for correct product functioning.Solution
Before applying the instructions below, make sure you have a full backup of Veeam ONE SQL database.To find out the Windows version, on Veeam ONE server open CMD and run ver command. Use the x.x.x.x format.
Run the following queries against Veeam ONE database, substituting the fields marked in red with appropriate values:
exec common.SetSetupDataReporterURI 'https://reporterfqdn:1239/'
exec common.SetSetupDataBusinessViewURI 'https://businessviewfqdn:1340/'
exec common.SetSetupDataWindowsVersion '%WINVERSION%'